“We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.”

― Alan Turing

What to explore on my site?

My blogs are basically about computer science topics, including
Data Structures, Algorithm Basics and Interesting Coding Problems.
Most of the topics are derived from algorithm textbooks and Leetcode problems.

You can also find out my Previous Projects on this site. Send me an email if you have any suggestions.

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Popular Trends

This site gives you an opportunity to catch up with new trends in computer science field, including cloud tech, machine learning and artifical intelligence, etc.

Fundamental Knowledge

If you are new to computer science, this site offers you a chance to start from the beginning. Read our computer basics and be a software engineer now!

Classical Problems

The most simple problems are the most complicated ones. Look into the past, we can learn something from classical computer science challenges.

Check out these topics

Data Structures

Data structures are key to computer science. Typical data structure topics include String & Array, List & LinkedList, Queue, Stack, Dictionary/Map, Tree, Graph.


Algorithm is a methodology about how programs calculate the input to get the output. Basic algorithm includes Sorting Algorithm, Graph Algorithm, Greedy Algorithm and Dynamic Programming.

Coding problems

Some coding problems are tricky enough to train coding abilities. Coding is not just about math, but about logic.


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